Sunday, November 23, 2008

Zenith 2nd Mixed Carnival - Nov 23rd

It was all fun and action today at our homeground. 12 teams. Wow! The turnout was fantastic. Everyone pitched in to help. Most were on time. The young ones were happy selling the food and drinks, and I think the team bonded too. The young ones have gotten bold enough to "suan" us already ---- i take it as a very good sign indeed!

I'm sure we have lessons to learn from today ... let's reflect in the next training/AGM on how we can make the 3rd one next year an even better success than this year's!

Pictures to come shortly.... as soon as Peiru sends them over!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Year End League

Started Year End League today. Lost to Aciers (about 33-30), but we had good takeaways. Everyone, gambatte!!! Let's work hard for our next game!

(I hope my swimming and interval training will help improve my fitness, if not now, then hopefully over the next few months.)


Saturday, November 1, 2008

red sailormoon in pt kit

I shall sacrifice my reputation and share the pic Jeremy took before last game for PWC Mixed League....