Sunday, January 25, 2009

first times

my FIRST post-  its 2.20am in the morning... still suffering fr mj crave after fri niteout at clubhouse...

we bought a cake for sunsai lei but she no show.... our FIRST attempted sunsai's birthday celebs..... Nei-mind still got many more years to come :-)

our FIRST acting class, it was, last nite.... just cant get those images out of my head - black cinderalla!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehe... how she took the many chances to ride on me, the pumpkin carriage and the handsome glances tt cinderalla's prince (her besdy) casted on cinderalla... gorgeous certainly didnt suck at acting, at least not the role as wicked stepmother and i love my second role as cinderalla's stepsis2...WICKED WICKED WICKED!! kekekeke  IT WAS A HILARIOUS NITE!! we certainly need to act out romeo and juliet soon!!!  WAT SAY MY GOOD OLD BUDDIES!!!??? black juliet!?!??!?!

gorgeous fried the best maggie goreng!!!

reunion dinner tmrw :-) hey peeps, GONG XI FA CAI

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