Wednesday, April 1, 2009

criss cross

Went for my physio as usual today, for my back. Been having once or twice weekly physio ever since late Nov 2008. Today was a little deviation from the usual treatment.

Dr Chin finally incorporated gym work to strengthen the core muscles. But I felt damn silly

I had to sit and balance myself on a stability ball. Then, with my core muscles tight, I have to take turns lifting my left and right leg off the ground, and straighten them if possible. No doubt slow, it was ok when I lifted my left leg up. Felt pretty much in control.

But the moment i attempted to lift my right leg off the ground, i rolled off the ball. And even if I don't, my torso was twisted in my attempt to counter-balance, which means I'm not engaging my core muscles enough, or they're just plain weak.

It was downright embarrassing. I finally understood how stroke patients feel when they suddenly realise they can't use an arm or leg or control their mouth muscles. I literally had no control over my left core muscle. She felt it was ok when we tested it in the treatment room, but as soon as it's put to test in gym, I think I failed marvellously. :(

I literally rolled off the ball as soon as my physio let go of me whom she was supporting when I got into position. What the hell ....

So, my right ankle is loose, certified loose. My ligament torn, and I'm gonna do my MRI on Monday to determine how bad is the tear. And apparently I'll have to be in a cast for 12-16 weeks if I do go for surgery.

And my left core muscle is weak, hence that's why the left side of my back muscle is always injured/torn and achy.

What an awkward combination isn't it?


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